Replacing Toxins with Natural Alternatives
Friday June 11, 2021
When discussing toxic load, it can feel overwhelming to think about how many toxins you're being exposed to just by living, eating, drinking, cleaning, or breathing.
If you'd never considered the amount of toxins you're exposed to each day, that's okay. As discussed, the body has incredible filtration systems to protect you from the toxins you encounter. And now that you know how many toxins you're around, where they come from, and how to fight them, you're on your way to a better home.
You don't have to feel powerless or hopeless when it comes to your well-being or the well-beings of those you love. With the power of nature at your side, you can truly take control of the toxins that may permeate your home and instead enjoy clean, natural living.
After evaluating your home-start with reading the labels of some of those scented products-you'll be motivated to reduce the number of aerial toxins your family is breathing. Here are a few simple ideas you can build off:
House Plants
Did you know adding house plants to your space can help purify the air? Snake plants, pothos, spider plants, ferns, fiscus trees, and chrysanthemums are just a few house plants that excel at removing pollutants from the air. Take advantage of the benefits of nature-and maybe even improve the aesthetic of your home while you're at it.
Regular Cleaning
When did you last change your HVAC filter? These types of filters need to be replaced anywhere from monthly to yearly, depending on your filter and system. Set a reminder-on your calendar or your phone-to replace your filters often so you aren't breathing air that's traveling through a dirty filter.
Along with cleaning your filters, you'll want to do the same for household surfaces. Dust and particles accumulate on carpets, drapes, furniture, and more, so dusting and vacuuming regularly will improve the air in your home. Depending on your filter and system. Set a reminder-on your calendar or your phone-to replace your filters often so you aren't breathing air that's traveling through a dirty filter.
Along with cleaning your filters, you'll want to do the same for household surfaces. Dust and particles accumulate on carpets, drapes, furniture, and more, so dusting and vacuuming regularly will improve the air in your home.
Let the Fresh Air In
Just like how you feel good when you take a big breath of fresh air, your home benefits from fresh air every now and then. Open the windows and doors to let the outdoor air in. By getting some fresh air in your space on a regular basis, you can improve the ventilation in your home.
Essential Oils
Diffusing essential oils is one of the easiest ways to freshen the air in your home. Instead of burning a candle or using an air freshener, turn to the power of essential oils when you want to safely and naturally scent your home. Avoid exposing yourself and those you care for to even more toxins by tossing out the plugins, candles, and air freshener room sprays. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with clean, fresh air-free from synthetics and toxins.
Pure essential oils are incredibly potent, so it only takes a little to fill an entire room with their aromas. These gifts of the earth are effective alternative to the synthetic or cheap scented products you might find at the grocery store. Contact me for your complimentary consultation to find the perfect combination for you!
If you missed my recent blogs Good-Bye Toxins, Hello Nature! and Aromatherapy Essential Oils, Fragrances & Stress, I invite you to circle back around for some helpful guidance on reducing our toxic load in our homes.
While you are scrolling on social media, please hop on over to my Insta and Facebook pages this month. I'm tackling our Bathroom Cabinet with easy low-toxic swaps for your everyday routines.
Until the next time.
Be well, Deanna
Peace. Love. Oils.
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