Gut Health
Did you know that around half of your body is made up of microbes? In fact, there are over 100 trillion of them living on or inside you – and collectively, they may weigh as much as five pounds! Every individual has a unique microbial composition – like a fingerprint – that communicates with the rest of the cells in the body. Research has shown that these single-celled residents are linked to almost every chronic disease and condition – as well as... Read More
Saturday September 9, 2023
Ready for Anything Using Natural Solutions
Summer is a time for adventure. When adventure calls, you need to be ready for anything! From hiking, camping, swimming, mountain biking, or picnicking on the beach, it is important to be ready for anything with intuitive self-care products. If you have the right doTERRA tools, you can live intentionally. Let's pause for a moment and think about your sunscreen or bug spray. Have you checked those ingredients on the label? Those labels can be filled with... Read More
Wednesday July 5, 2023
Edit Your Routine Using Natural Solutions
Between all the things we do, and the sources we aren't aware of, we are exposed to toxins daily. Every breath, every bite we take, every minute we stand under the sun, and every chemical (natural or synthetic) that we come in contact with while cleaning our homes exposes us to substances that can negatively impact our health. While other countries have taken action to protect their citizens from chemicals linked to cancer and reproductive harm, the Food and Drug Administration... Read More
Monday May 8, 2023
Natural Skin Care. Ditch Those Toxic Products
Did you know that most skincare products on the market are loaded with ingredients that are actually toxic to your skin and body? During our morning routine, we can place over 130 toxic ingredients on our skin. Typically during and after a warm shower we layer on our soap, body wash, lotions, perfume, and makeup. It is absorbed into our bodies within 20 seconds and makes its rounds hitting all of our cells within 30 minutes. Integumentary System The... Read More
Monday January 9, 2023
Aromas of the Season
I love the aromas of the holidays as it filled with so many fond memories. Did you know that your sense of smell can transport you back in time? I'm going to get a little nerdy here to explain how our bodies process these aromas into memories. When we come into contact with an aroma, or molecules from volatile substances wafting through the air, the neurons in our olfactory receptor cells send a single to the part of our brain called the olfactory bulb. The olfactory... Read More
Wednesday December 7, 2022
What is Cardiometabolic health?
Did you know that only 1 in 14 American adults have optimal heart and metabolic health? A recent article, July 2022 , in the Journal of American College of Cardiology stated that only 6.8% of US adults have optimal cardiometabolic health, declining from 1999-2000. Metabolic health is determined by adiposity (fat storage/healthy weight and waist circumference), blood glucose, (normal blood sugar level without taking medication), blood lipids (ideal... Read More
Monday October 10, 2022
The Power of the Sun - Summer Suncare
The Power of the Sun - Summer Suncare Our Friend, the Sun is essential to life on earth. It provides warmth, daylight, and positive signals to your body. Its rays provide our bodies with the ability to create serotonin which is linked to improving mood and mental health. The sun also regulates the production of melatonin and supports our circadian rhythms and sleep cycles. It also helps synthesize vitamin D which helps boost our immune system and promotes... Read More
Tuesday July 5, 2022
A New Way to Cook and Hydrate!
A New Way To Cook and Hydrate! A dash of this is, a sprinkle of that, and a drop of essential oil for the perfect dish! A new way to cook and hydrate. Essential oils are always fresh and are a great alternative to traditional dried herbs. Do you have a favorite soup recipe that could use a face lift? Or maybe a salsa recipe that could use a little extra kick? It is so easy to add essential oils to soup recipes, homemade salsa, sauces for pasta and... Read More
Sunday June 5, 2022
Welcoming a New Year. Hello World!
Welcoming a New Year. Hello World! Ah, it's a new year and we have a fresh clean slate of endless possibilities. This time of year, most of us set resolutions that are full of goals and fitness planning. Sadly, these well-intentioned plans are often set aside and come to an end as we navigate the state of our world. This blog post is not about planning or dreaming. It's not about welcoming big goals. Or, long-term plans. It's not about... Read More
Wednesday January 5, 2022
Being Grateful & Appreciative
Being Grateful Appreciative Have you ever noticed when we are in a joyful or grateful state of mind, that everything seems to roll off our shoulders? When life becomes too much, I remind myself to look around and listen. I ask myself, "What do I see?", "What do I smell?, What do I hear? I look up to the sky and take in all its beauty and really focus on the clouds, colors, and overall appearance. I tune in to the sounds of nature that help soothe my... Read More
Thursday November 4, 2021
Getting Ready for School
Getting Ready for School It's that time of the year when the kids go back to school. Today, school looks different from when we were going. Life is different. How do we navigate in a world of germs and threats to our family? There is a lot of media hype and fear being projected. I feel we need to stop, take a deep breath, and go back to the basics of keeping our loved ones healthy. That means getting the proper amount of sleep, eating real whole foods that... Read More
Tuesday August 10, 2021