Water Makes Your World Go Round!
Did you know that your body is made up of about 60% water? It is the one thing that our body needs to prosper. It amazes me how water takes the back seat to carbonated soda as the most popular beverage in the United States. It's a scary statistic not only because the dangers of drinking sugary drinks on the body, but also because the body requires ample amounts of water to help balance all of the body's fluids, digest food, transport nutrients from food to the rest of... Read More
Tuesday January 7, 2020

Is It Normal to Feel Anxiety?
Anxiety is a perfectly normal response to stressors, like being caught in up a dangerous situation, taking a test, or having to make an important decision, but when anxiety becomes a constant response or a response to inappropriate situations, it becomes problematic. Anxiety affects many people throughout their lives. For some, it is merely situational, but for others, anxiety is constant and can lead to disorders. These include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder,... Read More
Friday December 13, 2019

The Benefits of A Mindful Practice
Many of us work hard to eat right and exercise our bodies, but often the mind gets overlooked when it comes to our health. Meditation often considered an exercise for the brain, is a great way to focus on the health of the mind. Through this mindful practice, the pituitary gland in the brain secretes hormones called endorphins, which result in an amplified feeling of wellbeing. People often use meditation for stress relief, but there are many other benefits of... Read More
Wednesday October 16, 2019

Even Food Has Super Heroes!
We all have identified with SuperHeroes from our childhood. From Marvel Comic Books, Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter and anyone else we can identify to make us feel stronger and know that someone is taking care of us. What is your favorite SuperFood? Did you know that food has superheroes too? Superfoods are a naturally superior group of foods. In order to be considered a superfood, they must be nutrient-dense, yet low in calories. Also, they all have a... Read More
Thursday September 12, 2019

Are Essentials Oils A Fad or Here To Stay?
Essential Oils are EVERYWHERE! You can find them in just about every big box store and online. Does that mean they are safe to use?? There has been a lot of research on essential oils and their efficacy on supporting the body. Knowing your source of who's behind the label is extremely important. Essential oils have been in existence for thousands of years and have proven to be effective. Unfortunately, consumers confuse flavored oils as therapeutic. Those... Read More
Monday August 19, 2019

Sleep, The First Step In Improving Your Health!
Imagine the feeling of waking after a good night's sleep. You feel refreshed, energized, and positive. Now, think of a time where you woke up feeling the opposite. Throughout the day you may have had trouble concentrating, became frustrated easier, and had increased food cravings. Does that sound familiar? When was the last time you felt refreshed? While most people recognize that sleep is crucial for maintaining good health, most of us don't know about the more... Read More
Wednesday August 7, 2019

Eating In Season
It's summer as I write this blog post, and it's one of my favorite times of the year to eat seasonally. With year-round availability of nearly any food imaginable, eating seasonally has become a thing of the past. But unfortunately, this increased convenience of one-stop shopping has removed us from the way we are designed to eat! Instead of picking fruit off a tree, or a vegetable from a vine, we are shopping around, waxy produce from a pile of identical fruits and... Read More
Friday July 5, 2019

Welcome To My Blog!
I'm venturing out of my comfort zone and creating a little spot on the world wide web. My intention is to share tips, recipes, and some insights on how I use natural solutions in my daily routine. Living a natural and authentic lifestyle that is a refreshing alternative in today's busy and face-paced world. So, where ever you are... stop for a moment, close your eyes and take in a big deep breath and exhale slowly. Take into what you are feeling. Be grateful for you,... Read More
Thursday June 6, 2019
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